Design Solutions for Improving the Mental Health of Call Center Workers

The DxD Lab at KAIST is developing a new app that uses personalized data-driven programs to help call center workers reduce stress and improve their mental health. The app is currently in the early stages of development, but it has the potential to make a significant impact on the lives of call center workers.


Jun. 2022 - Aug. 2022

Project info

UX Research/design internship

My role

Market research, Ideation, Target audience interviews


Figma, Illustrator, Google Docs

The Why

Call center work is a high-stress occupation, and workers are often at risk for developing mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Stress management programs with a stress tracker could help to reduce stress levels and improve mental health among call center workers, leading to a more productive and healthy workforce.

My impact

Drafted initial survey questions to understand the working environment and stress awareness and levels of call center workers.


Researched available products in the market.


Participated in writing focus group interview protocols and conducted interviews.


Proposed ideas for a mobile/tablet app that uses a healing town and personified emotions concept with three personas to provide digital intervention programs based on self reported and physiological data.


Visuals are a powerful tool for communicating initial ideas to a team effectively. By sharing low-fidelity explorations and visual references, I was able to better communicate my ideas and their feasibility to UX researchers.


Active communication improves productivity and leads to better results. Weekly team conferences and persistent chat on Slack helped me understand our progress and the next steps clearly. Additionally, discussions and brainstorming at team conferences were very helpful for developing creative and interesting ideas.

My overall experience

My internship experience was an enriching journey that allowed me to immerse myself in a dynamic learning environment, collaborate with exceptional individuals, and unleash my creative potential. It was a remarkable opportunity for personal and professional growth as a UX designer.

I am unable to share all the details in public. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Nice to see you!

Feel free get in touch at my email.

© 2024 Miyoun Cho